Its been a minute since I made a post but a subject has been recently coming up in conversation with both my male and female friends that I wanted to talk about. Are single women in their mid-30's "thirsty"?
As I approach the big 3-5, which is merely a technicality due the sun setting and rising everyday, I've pondered this question. Dating now is nothing like it was when you're in your 20's; factor in social media and you are now able to connect with a whole universe of prospective mates, both near and far.
A number of rational reasons can be assumed as to why women seem "thirsty". Some feel like their clock is ticking; they value their time and relationships more; and, just plain ol' don't want to waste time on someone that has no "potential". Will running down your mental checklist of do's and don'ts constitute you as being "thirsty" or would you rather be considered "thorough"? Also, by being "thirsty" are you forgetting to let life take you where it takes you, live in the moment, and let real people connections develop?
I don't consider myself "thirsty". I'm not searching for any one kind of person. I do have a checklist but its an adult, real-world, checklist like have a job, your own place, transportation and know how to have a conversation that involves some intellectual thought and usage of words. At the very least, be able to take care of yourself. Nothing worse than talking to a cute dummy!
No matter what term is used, I think everyone is searching for a connection. Everyone is not meant to be your husband, boyfriend, or fill-in baby daddy. Take it for what it is and LIVE! Being "thirsty" in your actions, comments on social media, and on the hunt for Mr. Right makes you look exactly what the word "thirsty" implies, dried up!